By: David Mead
Thanks for the update Eric. I assume this works hand-in-hand with word-break, or does it work independently? So, if I have -ms-word-break: break-all; -epub-word-break: break-all; word-break: break-all;...
View ArticleBy: Eric Meyer
That I don’t know, David. I know that hyphenation dictionaries are (in theory) language-dependent, but I’m not sure how they interact with other properties such as those. It may well vary by browser.
View ArticleBy: David Mead
Maybe I'll have to do a little more digging. Hopefully the <code>word-break</code> will look to the <code>hyphens</code> and display accordingly. But if I've learned anything...
View ArticleBy: Kevin Hamilton
Hi Eric – I’ve got one more suggestion for you, although I would understand if you decided not to implement it… @media (min-width: 1500px) { body { hyphens: none; } } I feel that at certain line...
View ArticleBy: David Mead
Not to answer for Eric, but don’t you think adding that really depends on the design Kevin? Some sites don’t have the content spread in one column across the page, so it may still require hyphenation...
View ArticleBy: Philippe
One thing to note is that hyphens don't exist in the DOM, and when the user copies something, the hyphens are not copied along (except if you manually insert soft-hyphens). In principle at least (and...
View ArticleBy: Divya
No, hyphens cannot be opt-out. It has to be opt-in. This philosophical approach does not take into account future elements – each with their own UI requirements. What about selects? What about checkbox...
View ArticleBy: Eric Meyer
<a href="" rel="nofollow">Phillippe</a>, I kind of like the hyphenation in the textarea. It’s an...
View ArticleBy: Eric Meyer
As long as <code>hyphens</code> is an inherited property, I’m pretty sure there has to be opt-out, <a...
View ArticleBy: Divya
Yeah did not think it was. but having <code>body {hyphens: auto;}</code> suggest it as an opt-out. I would rather choose manually which elements to apply hyphenations on and make it smaller...
View ArticleBy: Ricardo Zea
Regarding your question: <em>” If you’re quoting someone, almost certainly something that someone wrote, is it advisable to hyphenate that text when they didn’t?”</em>, here’s some insight...
View ArticleBy: Kristian
Ricardo Zea beat me to it, but I agree, there shouldn’t be any problems in hyphenating a quote of someone else, especially since you can at times make editorial edits to quotes to get the meaning...
View ArticleBy: Stephen Greig
With regards to auto-linked URLs, I know the actual link and copy & paste-able content will be correct, but don’t we consider what the user actually sees as an issue? For example, if your URL was...
View ArticleBy: Typography - One of the Most Important Aspect of Web Design
[...] Since hyphens is an inherited property, it isn’t sufficient to set it for a limited number of elements and assume you’re done. You have to make sure you’ve turned it off for the elements that...
View ArticleBy: Jonathan Hollin
One of biggest wins of hyphenation from my (purely subjective) point of view is that it enables the copy to be fully justified (left and right). I have never liked having ragged right margins. I find...
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